Tuesday, November 5, 2024

On Differences and Silent Acceptance

Hello Again.

A quick note from me today..

Sometimes, have you ever wondered why someone might have different interests? Sometimes we feel puzzled by differing opinions, and their priorities can be very different from ours. 

We might place something as our last priority, while for them, it’s the first. Sometimes, without compassion, we question our discomfort with them.

But are we aware that they, too, are different due to their unique fate? Just as they don’t question the destiny they’ve been given, perhaps it’s better for us to simply remain silent.


1 comment:

  1. Agree kak. Saya belajar saat ini untuk tidak men-judge , curious sangat, ikut campur atau apapun istilahnya, terhadap masalah orang lain. Pasti ada yg prinsipnya beda dengan saya. Prioritas tak sama.. bukan berarti saya berhak menghakimi mereka dan menganggap hidup saya lebih benar.

    Skr ini, biarlah hidup orang, jadi urusan mereka. Hidup saya pun tanggung jawab saya. Prinsip mungkin berbeda, tapi yg terpenting kita tak menyakiti orang lain.

    Memang ada hal2 di mana silent itu lebih bagus ❤️
