Tuesday, August 27, 2024

My Third Shot - apply lecturer Uitm

 Hi There,

Alhamdulillah. I am back to normal now. I’m feeling tired from everything that has happened recently. It’s been a challenging time, and I must admit I feel a bit demotivated by the ongoing difficulties. However, life mestilah continue dan kene terus kehadapan.

Just nak update yang I’ve applied for the lecturer position at UiTM again... and this is my third attempt ye. Ianya sangat competitive and challenging to secure a spot tau. This time around, I kena purchase a PIN number, which I hope kali ni diorang boleh indicates  yang mana genuinely interested dari who are just nak test market sahaja.

I’ve heard that many applicants attend interviews just to see what the process is like but end up declining the offer if they’re selected. Sedih sangat to think that some might be applying without real intent. Tetapi takpe..I remain hopeful that this extra step will help in finding the right candidate and will improve my chances this time.

It’s a reminder that persistence is key, and each attempt brings me closer to my goal. I’m trying to stay positive and focused on my aspirations, knowing that every experience contributes to my growth.

Until Next Time,

' Ain


  1. Saya doakan kakak bisa dapat kesempatan ini. Rezeki tak akan kemana 🤗🤗. Walopun banyak candidates yg hanya nak tahu proses , tapi jika memang ini rezeki kakak, pasti dapat posisi itu 😊

  2. Alhamdulillah. terima kasih fanny.

  3. ll the best Ain...SA doakan semoga Ain berjaya dan dipermudahkan insyaallah

  4. mudah mudahan rezeki menyebelahi... aminnn
    btw kalau diterima.position tu permenant or contract?
