Sunday, August 11, 2024

Finding Light in Darkness

 Hi There,


It has been a long time since I last wrote. Recently, I experienced another personal challenge which I find difficult to discuss in detail. This trial has made it very hard for me to navigate life, but I believe it is simply a test from Allah. Despite the hardship, I trust that these experiences are strengthening me. I often question why these struggles seem to affect me and my family more than others, but I remain confident in the wisdom behind them. Through it all, I strive to grow stronger and more resilient.

To all who facing difficulties, please stay strong in the face of adversity. Remember, Allah does not abandon us. Instead, He guides us through our challenges out of love and a desire for us to grow into better individuals. These trials are opportunities to strengthen our faith and to draw closer to Him. Trust that every challenge is a chance to become stronger and closer to Allah.


Until Next Time,

‘ Ain


  1. Aamiin. Semoga bisa dilalui semua cobaan yg berlaku ya kak. Saya selalu tanamkan dlm mindset, Allah bagi cobaan tak mungkin lebih dari kemampuan. Jadi insyaallah manusia bisa melewati dengan doa juga pastinya. Lagian, jika kita berhasil pass 1 kesulitan, kita juga lebih kuat menghadapi cobaan yg lain 😊

    1. Alhamdulillah. terima kasih atas doanya. Moga kita sama sama mendapat keberkatannya
