Monday, August 12, 2024

Housewife Reality Check

Hi There, 

So, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching lately and wanted to share where I’m at. Back in January, I decided to leave my job at BIMB Investment to focus on being a housewife. My goal was to be the best wife and mother I could be. However, Allah’s wisdom has made me realize that I might not be quite ready for motherhood just yet.

Being a housewife has its perks, don’t get me wrong. There’s something fulfilling about managing a home and being there for your family. But it’s also been a bit of a rollercoaster. I used to love the routine and the feeling of earning my own money. My husband is a gem and supports me in every way, from letting me indulge in shopping sprees to treating myself on Shopee. Yet, there’s something missing – that personal sense of achievement from earning my own paycheck.

The career I had was more than just a job; it was a source of purpose and independence for me. It wasn’t just about the money, but the confidence and fulfillment that came with it. So now, I’m thinking about whether going back to work might help me find that balance and fulfillment again.

I’m going to take some time to weigh my options and figure out what’s next. I’ll definitely keep you all updated on what I decide to do.

Until Next Time,

' Ain


  1. I feel you. 13 tahun working di HSBC , lalu resign, bagi saya pun perubahan besar. Tak pernah terbayangkan saya bakal di rumah mengurus anak. Tapi memang Krn suasana kerja yg sudah tidak kondusif , setiap pagi saya pergi kerja dengan banyak emosi dan marah, sampai rumah malam , masih merasa tak senang, dan saya pikir itu tak sehat. Company tak mungkin ikut mau saya. Jadi saya yg memutuskan kluar

    Sayangnya saat itu COVID. Jadi memang sudahlah better di rumah menjaga anak2.

    Hanya saja memang rasa emptyness itu ada. Cuma suami sangat support passion saya utk traveling. Jadi kalo dia memang tak bisa menemani, dia izinkan saya pergi dengan teman2 yg sudah dia kenal. Agak terhibur lah 😄. Cari kerja baru, mungkin sudah tidak mau. Saya hanya ingin fokus traveling, dan sesekali melihat passive income saya dari hasil saham, bonds dan kripto.

    1. Wah alhamdulillah. Seronok tengok awak dapat passive income. boleh berjalan jalan dan menjaga kelauarga kan. Tapi duitnya ada masuk

  2. bila dah terbiasa kerja dan sibuk... 'bertukar' msk ke alam 'baru' rasanya semua org akan alami perasaan tu terutama ibu2 yg bekerja...dlm hal ni sy rs suami perlu sokong selalu...

    1. Ye anies. betul tu... rasa tetiba lain sangat dunia ni... bukan nak kata tak suka menjadi housewife. suka sangat. cuma sudut hati ada rasa macam tak cukup.
