Saturday, August 31, 2024

Refleksi Hari Merdeka


Kemerdekaan Malaysia dan Personal Growth

Hari ni ialah Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia yang ke 67 tahun. I realise that this year, my mom is also turning the same age. And when I look at my mom, I realise that Malaysia, too, has matured and grown older. But is Malaysia truly maturing? Dan ketika kita menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan today, this is actually the perfect time for all of us to reflect achievement negara kita dan juga ourselves. Hari Merdeka ialah simbol kebebasan, perpaduan, dan juga kebanggaan negara. Sambil I merenung perjalanan Malaysia menuju kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan, I terreflect my journey menuju kedewasaan pula, what I have been through dan bagaimana ia saling berkaitan dengan makna Merdeka itu sendiri.

Perjalanan Malaysia Menuju Kemerdekaan

Masa kita belajar Sejarah em.. masa sekolah rendah dan menengah, kita sedar bahawa perjalanan negara kita, Malaysia untuk mencapai kemerdekaan adalah dengan bukti semangat dan juga ketabahan rakyat Malaysia itu sendiri. Pada 31 Ogos 1957, Malaysia, which is sebelum ni dikenali Malaya, mencapai kebebasan dari pemerintahan kolonial British.Of course I dengar macam macam cerita dari nenek I. Bagaimana dari zaman penjajahan Jepun sehinggalah British. Bagaimana nenek I rasa makan ubi bakar dalam tanah, menyorok dalam perigi buta dan lubang buatan..Bagaimana nenek tiada peluang untuk pergi ke sekolah and that the reason kalau cakap pasal kerajaan dan kemerdekaan negara, nenek lebih hebat menunjukkan kesetiaan terhadap negara. I can see it from her eyes.

Hari bersejarah ini menandakan permulaan era baru, penuh dengan peluang dan cabaran. Perayaan kebangsaan mencerminkan keunikan budaya negara, kemajuan, dan cita-cita bersama rakyatnya yang majmuk.

Bagi I, Hari Merdeka bukan setakat tentang memperingati peristiwa sejarah, tapi ia adalah perayaan identiti Malaysia yang unik, gabungan harmoni masyarakat pelbagai kaum, dan perjalanan berterusan untuk mencapai matlamat nasional. Hari ini sekiranya tiada diisi dengan perarakan yang meriah macam dulu dulu pun, tapi seharusnya lagu-lagu patriotik, harus dimainkan bagi mengukuhkan nilai-nilai perpaduan dan kenegaraan. Mestilah kena dengar lagu-lagu seperti Saya Anak Malaysia, Warisan, Bahtera Merdeka dan semestinya Tanggal 31 Ogos dan banyak lagi lagu lagu patriotik yang kita harus dengar. Just to let you know, I’m now enjoying ‘Bahtera Merdeka’ by Aishah.

My Merdeka: Perjalanan Kematangan I

Sejujurnya, in my personal opinion, tentang Hari Merdeka  has a special meaning, especially when I reflect on my own journey. Just like perjalanan Malaysia untuk mencapai kemerdekaan yang involved bagaimana nak mengatasi cabaran belum lagi dengan segala kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang akan berlaku, and my journey of life pun berkisar pada mencapai kebebasan dan my own self- improvement. I remember bagaimana I nak dapat Master Degree, I hanya lah pemegang Diploma yang sangat-sangat lama ok? I tak dapat naik pangkat, naik gaji it just because I ada Diploma je. This drove me to achieve my goals. It was only in my early 30s that I resumed my degree and Master's studies. I pun sendiri terperanjat sebab my result semua cemerlang. Alhamdulillah. Sedangkan masa mula mula I nak ambil Degree, after a long break from studying, my mom ada lah menimbulkan kerisauan dia kat my sister. Dia takut I might struggle and give up. My sister of course bagitau I. That moment, I rasa tercabar sangat and I will make sure all my result cemerlang. Dan Alhamdulillah, my results were indeed quite commendable.

Menggalas Tanggungjawab

For me, kematangan mestilah bermula dengan deeper understanding of responsibility. Sama seperti negara kita, perlu mengurus pemerintahan yang penuh complex ni, dan keperluan masyarakat yang macam macam ragam, tak sebut lagi pergaduhan politik yang buat I muak. I can relate dengan my personal maturity, of course ianya melibatkan untuk menggalas tanggungjawab terhadap tindakan dan keputusan kita. In whatever keadaan, kita kene ambil tanggungjawab tu  samada dalam kerjaya kita, hubungan, ataupun personal goals kita. Seperti negara yang membuat pilihan yang bijaksana dan bertanggungjawab atas hasilnya, yang mencerminkan tanggungjawab lebih luas yang dimiliki oleh sebuah negara terhadap rakyatnya, kita. Macam tu juga dengan kita. We choose our path. Kita memilih perkahwinan ini, jalan ini, hidup ini, kerjaya ini. Dan kita mesti mengambil tanggungjawab terhadap pilihan-pilihan ini. Whatever challenges we face, we must take responsibility.

Memahami dan Menghormati Kepelbagaian

Malaysia ni mempunya rakyat berbilang kaum dan seharusnya aspek penting lain dalam pertumbuhan adalah untuk mempelajari, untuk menghargai dan juga menghormati diversity. Kekuatan Malaysia terletak pada kepelbagaian penduduknya, dan I realise that the personal growth melibatkan prinsip yang sama. Embracing different perspectives and experiences memang membantu my understanding and empathy, making me more open and adaptable in various aspects of life. I think about how, memula I berkahwin dengan my husband, seriously banyak je ketidaksamaan tu. Of course ianya berbeza. Dia dilahirkan dan dibesarkan dari keluarga yang berbeza dengan I. Kalau dia suka makan cencaluk tapi I pula suka makan petai dan buah binjai. Tapi tulah.. sekarang ni husband I yang suka makan binjai jeruk even more than I do! Dari ketidaksamaan membawa kepada banyak persamaan. We adapt to each other’s lives.

Merayakan Pencapaian dan Belajar dari Kegagalan

Sama seperti Hari Merdeka adalah masa untuk meraikan pencapaian Malaysia especially masa diorang bersatu padu untuk menentang penjajah,we should also recognize and celebrate the challenges they faced., Yes, it is an achievement worth celebrating.. That’s why, I never judge pun kalau nak diadakan perayaan sambutan merdeka. Asalkan ianya tidak keterlaluan sehingga menyumbang kepada kemaksiatan.

Pandang ke Hadapan

Malaysia sekarang terus berkembang dan maju. Dari negara pertanian sehinggalah sekarang negara yang maju dan berkembang pesat. Begitu juga myself. Hahah.. dari berat 45 kg pun maju naik angkanya sehingga nak melebihi 60 kg. Jadi sempena hari kemerdekaan ini, I ambil spirit of independence, unity, and progress to guide my own life. Personal improvement is an ongoing process that requires introspection, learning, and adaptation.

Last but not least, please ignore my 'Bahasa Rojak.' The important thing is that the meaning gets across. This is not a language competition but just an expression of my thoughts in a style I’m comfortable with.

Selamat Hari Merdeka kepada semua rakyat Malaysia! Semoga kita semua terus maju jaya, I love you Malaysia. 

' Ain

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Herbal Aromatherapy inhaler stick - Sunnahloka

Hi There,

Recently, I've been suffering from insomnia. Sampai satu minggu I tak boleh tidur. My husband dah risau. At that time husband I takut I kene ganguan dengan makhluk halus. After all, benda macam ni pun berkemungkinan juga kan. Lebih lebih lagi sebelum tu, I ada duduk kat luar masa azan Maghrib. Manalah tau, ada benda benda yang tak baik mengikut. Jadi, husband pun bagitau dengan my in laws. Malam tu jugak diorang bawak ustaz datang rumah I. 

Tapi lepas Ustaz scan I, Ustaz pun tak jumpa apa apa yang pelik. It means, nothing yang gangu I. Ustaz kata maybe I ni lonely.  hahahhahah. Lonely in what way?? Whatever lah. 

So dah macam macam cara I dan husband cuba untuk I boleh tidur. Termasuklah applying  magnesium oil kat kaki, taking melatonin gummies,  hoping they would help me sleep. Oh lupa nak mention yang I also tried the military sleep method tu and it worked. You can Google it to find out how to do the exercise. Tapi I noticed, selain dari that tip, I ada juga pindah tempat tidur. I don't know the connection, but it help me sleep. which is nyenyak sangat.

And today I want to share what my husband bought for me. I really love it. Tapi I tak boleh nak review lah samada ianya bantu I tidur atau tak sebab masa product ni sampai, I memang dah boleh tidur. However, what I can say is that ianya sangat memberikan ketenangan. I suka gila.

Here’s the product that my husband bought. Actually, there are several flavors. You can check out the picture I posted below. Product from Sunnahloka. Dia macam inhaler brand vics tu cuma yang ini infused dengan essential oil and ada bidara extract.  Baunya pun sedap dan tenang je. 

With Love.

' Ain

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

My RM50 Haul from Jalan Jalan Japan!

Hi There,

Today I want to share some random stuff I bought from Jalan Jalan Japan. Tapi kan I rasa merepek lepas balik rumah. Benda merepek yang awalnya I rasa sangat lah berbaloi. Kenapa berbaloi? Percaya tak yang I boleh dapat 8 barang dengan RM50.  So let’s see what I bought.

1. Beg ni harganya RM5. plannya nak isi telekung . I beli sebab dia ada lace dan ribbon. I sejenis yang girlie macam tu ye. But once I got home, I haven’t decided what to use it for yet.

2. Bakul ni I beli RM 6. Ni I dah jadikan tempat I letak Al-Quran dan tasbih semua. It has its function. But then I thought that baskets from DIY stores are cheaper and prettier. This basket is literally just an empty basket with no brand.

3. The moment I nampak je I terus suka. I suka design bunga bunga kecil macam ni. Harga nya RM 2 je. So cheap. I just haven’t decided what else to do with this beg bunjut ni

4. I suka sebab konon konon nanti nak pergi pantai nak bawa barang dalam ni. ala ala beach bag lah camtu. Cuma  tadi I dah masukkan barang make up I. I memang tak sabar. Harganya ialah RM6.

5. Another beg bunjut RM3 that I haven’t decided what to do with yet.

6. Ni I suka sebab ada bunga kecil juga. And memang masih baru lagi.

When I got home, I realized it’s from Uniqlo Paris. The price was unbelievable—RM2. It’s clean, new, and the bag is quite functional. But I’m still hanging it up because I don’t know what to do with it. I banyak gila beg. 

7. I beli beg ni. Tak tau jenis apa. Trust me, it looks ordinary in the picture, but it’s actually beautiful and very spacious up close. I plan nak letak all my journal and planner dalam ni. I tried it earlier, but I’m not sure yet. It was RM15.

8. What’s this called, a shawl? I beli sebab dia brand Ralph Lauren. Tak tau lah authentic ke tak. Harga RM 10. Balik rumah try nak jadikan alas meja tak cantik pulak. So ni pun masih di dalam discussion kat dalam my mind. Apa I nak buat dengan dia ni !!!!!

That’s all the stuff I bought today. I’m really happy to have gotten so many things at such a low price. However, I still haven’t decided what else to do with all these items. I just bought them first. tapi husband I cakap. " Its ok sayang. yang penting happy". Hehe..

Sehingga kita berjumpa lagi ye..

With Love,
' Ain

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Subway - boycott ke tak eh?


Saja nak share, Btw, I ada share dekat thread jugak tapi still nak post sini. Kisah pasal boycotting. Pengalaman yang tidak dapat dilupakan jugak lah.

I once got scolded by sorang makcik ni at Petronas station near Sungai Besi. At that time, I was extremely hungry and the boycott was still new. Dah lah baru je balik kerja dan nak travel back to Melaka pulak. So, we ended up eating at Subway. Bukan sebab tak nak boycott tau. At that time we were just really hungry, all the other places were full, and we needed to eat something to take our medicine. (masa tu dah melebihi timing pun). Actually I dan husband kene makan supplement and medicine for TTC.

And masa tu, we were still getting used to the boycott and completely forgot about it. When the auntie scolded us and pointed at the Subway brand ( yang terpampang besar tulisan SUBWAY dekat dinding restoran), I looked at my husband and asked, “Wait, are we supposed to boycott Subway?”

My husband then only started to realize, “Oh, right, the boycott lahh..” We were really clueless and had no intention of breaking the boycott. Honestly, we lost our appetite at that moment. Terus bungkus makan dalam kereta. Memang lupa sangat like memang honest mistake. Rasa menyesal sangat dan malu pun ada. selamba badak je duduk berdua macam orang lupa diri dalam tu. Dah lah restoran tu dindingnya kaca. Semua orang nampak ... Patut lah kitorang je couple dalam tu. Allahu.

' Ain

Review K-Drama - Through the Darkness

Hi Everyone,

Today, I want to share a Korean drama that I just finished watching. The title of the show is "Through the Darkness." This drama is based on a true story and features actors like Kim Nam Gil, Kim So-jin, Jin Seon-kyu, and Ryeoun.

It starts in the 1990s, when the people of Seoul were struck with extreme fear due to a series of brutal attacks and murders. A very mysterious figure known as "Red Cap" would stalk women on the streets, follow them home, and then kill them viciously. This killer also acted randomly, making it very difficult for the detectives investigating the case to predict what was on his mind.

Then, they realized that the American FBI had been successful with the use of criminal profilers to identify such criminals, especially serial killers. So, the head of the team, Gook Young Soo, recruits Song Ha Young, a calm, reserved, and very meticulous former detective for his team. Gook believes that using this new psychological method will give the police an edge in capturing ‘Red Cap’ and ending his killing spree.

However, homicide expert Yoon Tae Goo and her officers doubt the value of this approach and are reluctant to collaborate. The question now is whether Song Ha Young can gain the trust of these ruthless criminals while seeing through them. Is he clever enough to outwit them? But more importantly, does he have the emotional resilience to endure the process? I don't want to give too many spoilers, so you’ll have to watch the drama to find out.

Personally, I liked and was impressed by Nam Gil’s portrayal of the criminal profiler, where he almost went insane and nearly gave up due to delving too deeply into the mind of a criminal.

Here are some lessons I took from the approach to dealing with criminals:

  1. Women, no matter how strong they are, can be very vulnerable. And when a serial killer or rapist is intent on committing their crime, even a young and small person can still be a victim.

  2. Don’t trust strangers. Criminals often have innocent faces.

  3. Lock your windows. In the show, the killer always targeted windows because it's something we often overlook.

  4. Protect your young children. Many criminals come from troubled family backgrounds. Some of them have been severely abused by their parents.

My Third Shot - apply lecturer Uitm

 Hi There,

Alhamdulillah. I am back to normal now. I’m feeling tired from everything that has happened recently. It’s been a challenging time, and I must admit I feel a bit demotivated by the ongoing difficulties. However, life mestilah continue dan kene terus kehadapan.

Just nak update yang I’ve applied for the lecturer position at UiTM again... and this is my third attempt ye. Ianya sangat competitive and challenging to secure a spot tau. This time around, I kena purchase a PIN number, which I hope kali ni diorang boleh indicates  yang mana genuinely interested dari who are just nak test market sahaja.

I’ve heard that many applicants attend interviews just to see what the process is like but end up declining the offer if they’re selected. Sedih sangat to think that some might be applying without real intent. Tetapi takpe..I remain hopeful that this extra step will help in finding the right candidate and will improve my chances this time.

It’s a reminder that persistence is key, and each attempt brings me closer to my goal. I’m trying to stay positive and focused on my aspirations, knowing that every experience contributes to my growth.

Until Next Time,

' Ain

Monday, August 12, 2024

Housewife Reality Check

Hi There, 

So, I've been doing a lot of soul-searching lately and wanted to share where I’m at. Back in January, I decided to leave my job at BIMB Investment to focus on being a housewife. My goal was to be the best wife and mother I could be. However, Allah’s wisdom has made me realize that I might not be quite ready for motherhood just yet.

Being a housewife has its perks, don’t get me wrong. There’s something fulfilling about managing a home and being there for your family. But it’s also been a bit of a rollercoaster. I used to love the routine and the feeling of earning my own money. My husband is a gem and supports me in every way, from letting me indulge in shopping sprees to treating myself on Shopee. Yet, there’s something missing – that personal sense of achievement from earning my own paycheck.

The career I had was more than just a job; it was a source of purpose and independence for me. It wasn’t just about the money, but the confidence and fulfillment that came with it. So now, I’m thinking about whether going back to work might help me find that balance and fulfillment again.

I’m going to take some time to weigh my options and figure out what’s next. I’ll definitely keep you all updated on what I decide to do.

Until Next Time,

' Ain

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Finding Light in Darkness

 Hi There,


It has been a long time since I last wrote. Recently, I experienced another personal challenge which I find difficult to discuss in detail. This trial has made it very hard for me to navigate life, but I believe it is simply a test from Allah. Despite the hardship, I trust that these experiences are strengthening me. I often question why these struggles seem to affect me and my family more than others, but I remain confident in the wisdom behind them. Through it all, I strive to grow stronger and more resilient.

To all who facing difficulties, please stay strong in the face of adversity. Remember, Allah does not abandon us. Instead, He guides us through our challenges out of love and a desire for us to grow into better individuals. These trials are opportunities to strengthen our faith and to draw closer to Him. Trust that every challenge is a chance to become stronger and closer to Allah.


Until Next Time,

‘ Ain