Monday, November 13, 2023

Uniqueness of My Journey

Hello There,

I've come to realize that I'm a bit unique. Everything about me happens at its own pace. I started with just a Diploma initially. But then, while working, I decided to pursue a Degree. And even though I was a bit behind others, I went on to obtain a Master's degree. Alhamdulillah, I stand here now, and some ask, "Why pursue a Master's? Is it really worthwhile?" Is it wrong? I pursued it for the love of knowledge. 

Even during class, one lecturer asked, "Why do all of you want to pursue a Master's?" Responses varied. Some wanted to increase their income, and yes, most students answered this way. Because with the qualification, you get promoted and your salary increases. Some answered for the connections, a valid pursuit. Here, I met friends with businesses, from HR, and various fields. But why, when I say it's for knowledge, does it sound unrealistic? I mean, have we normalized the idea that life is solely about money, and seeking knowledge sounds fake? Yet, my pursuit was genuine—I sought knowledge.

Btw, My life's milestones arrived a bit later than usual. Let me list them down:

1. Got married a bit late.

2. Had children a bit late. (Actually, not yet, as my child passed away.)

3. Took my career seriously a bit late.

However, at the end of the day, whatever I desire in life, everything is granted by Allah. It's just a bit delayed. But I still feel fortunate because there are people who haven't yet achieved what they desire, even though some have. Some are still searching for happiness, even though they got married really early. But some are happy even though in their youth, they shed tears. So, in conclusion, our journey is very unique and different."

Until Next Time,


  1. Salam kenal, Salam ziarah 'Ain :)
    Everything happens at the the most suitable time. We plan but His plan is the best for us 😉

  2. It's not a bit late, rather it's at the right time 😊 Timeline setiap orang tu berbeza tapi kalau Allah dah tulis itu rezeki kita, jauh atau dekat, cepat atau lambat it will come to us eventually, Insha Allah. TQ singgah blog saya 🥰

  3. tiada istilah lewat dlm hidup kita jika berkaitan dgn takdir dan rezeki. kalau kita rs lewat, ada org lagiiii lewat menerimanya. sebab semua ni ada kaitan dgn kemampuan kita yg kita sendiri tak tahu

  4. Saya ada teman, dia housewife. Tapi keinginannya untuk belajar kuat sangat, dan bahkan sedang mengejar PhD pula. Pernah ada yg tanya, untuk apa setinggi itu belajarnya? Toh dia ga bekerja.

    Jawaban dia buat saya salut, karena dia ingin mengajari anak2nya dengan banyak ilmu bermanfaat. Sesimple itu.❤️. Karena memang anak2' terbentuk dari apa yg diajarkan orangtuanya.


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