A 50-year-old Thai man developed cancer in his genitals, after he
injected himself with olive oil to enlarge his penis. He required emergency
surgery to remove his genitals to stop cancer spreading. He had been injecting
his penis with olive oil over a number of years and it had become infected
which caused the cancer.
The un-named man had injected his penis with olive oil in a bid to make
it bigger. The procedure is quite common in Thailand, other substances also
used include; bees wax, silicone or even paraffin. There have been reports from
one Bangkok hospital that they see up to 40 patients a month suffering from
side-effects of this treatment.
The procedure is carried out in back-street clinics across the country
and after the latest incident, health officials have rushed to reassure men
that size isn’t everything.
Sirikul Jiraranaikhajorn, spokeswoman for the Police General Hospital in
Bangkok said: “This is the biggest genital surgery we have ever done as we
found cancer. “ She also warned other men away from the procedure; however she
never mentioned that the practice actually caused cancer but that infections
were common, from the use of backstreet clinics. She added: “It only brings bad
results – people misunderstand [that is works]. A woman will love a man not
because of the size.”
Does size really matter? Well, I believe many married couples are happy out there and able to live with whichever size that they have. What do you think?
News source: shockingtimes.co.uk