For an avid guitarist, fake guitars are spoiling the market. There are many fake guitars carrying famous brands such as Gibson, Fender, Epiphone, ESP and Ibanez. Many unsuspecting buyers get conned by the low price. One should not buy a fake guitar because it is of inferior build quality, sub-par sounding and poor workmanship. You can spot a fake guitar by its headstock, material used, finishing and also its sound. The fonts on the headstock maybe wrong, the finishing of the guitar is poor and the materials used aren’t the same as the original ones such as the pickup and the wood. If you are still uncertain on the authenticity of the guitar, you can ask an experienced friend to tag along when you buy a guitar.
For your peace of mind, it is advisable to go directly to the authorized distributor to get your axe as you are rest assured that the guitar is genuine. Below are the lists of authorized distributor that distributes original guitars in Malaysia:
Bentley Music: Fender, Ibanez, PRS, Jackson, Takamine, Taylor
The Guitar Store: Godin, Maton, Norman, Cort
The Guitar Collection: ESP, Seagull, Art & Lutherie, Martin & Co.
Ultimate Music: Schecter
Menuetto Music: Gibson, Epiphone, Cort
Bentley Music: Fender, Ibanez, PRS, Jackson, Takamine, Taylor
The Guitar Store: Godin, Maton, Norman, Cort
The Guitar Collection: ESP, Seagull, Art & Lutherie, Martin & Co.
Ultimate Music: Schecter
Menuetto Music: Gibson, Epiphone, Cort
If you are in a tight budget, there are many decent quality guitar that are not branded but worth looking at. You just have to ask and scout around. Happy jamming!
u pandai main gitar ye?wah...
ReplyDeletegitar pun ada yang fake eh ? tak paham betul la dengan dorang ni.
ReplyDeleteYou do need to be careful with fake guitars. What I also recommend is checking out the serial numbers and and cross referencing them to information found on the makers websites. That's what I did when I found a sweet Martin guitar at hillcrestpawnshop in San Diego. I checked everything and contacted the manufacturer and everything checked out fine. I also got it for a GREAT price. Do be careful out there and rock on!!
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